Sunday, January 1, 2012

Railways has started another great feature, known as mushkil aasan ( the hard-easy

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NEW DELHI: Indian Railways is going to help you further. Now he has a feature for travelers making them very comfortable and come off - would remove the problem.

This feature is called 'mushkil aasan  "and the railway is being implemented in many parts of the country. The railway reservation centers in remote areas to facilitate your reservation has started sending mobile vans. The van ticket machines, computers and will be equipped with Wi-Fi. Easy to cut off their through tickets anywhere. Reservation will only get the van through the passenger rather simple ticket will be cut off. The van city or town would stand in any convenient place where people can come easily.

The van will go to areas where the reservation center or ticket centers will not. This will allow those who can not go off ticket. Elderly - women paid to this feature is quite convenient.

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